Saturday, 23 August 2008

Shadez The Black Operations

A game coming from SeanCooper after the huge success after the Boxhead games and wOne2, surely a fighting unit sort of game has to be good. Well, sort of.

From when you enter the game, it feels very professional and as if youre going to be playing a brilliant game. You get into a level, the very well set out menu-bar manages to get your head around what you have to do, you spawn a load of units, you realise how good the graphical style works with this game, you see how good the balancing out it.....and then it really only goes downhill. Think of it like a greyhound race, this one starts out fast then just loses its pace and ends up in 3rd.

By all means, it is a good game. but really starts to get stale after around level 10 or so. The ability to add choppers, different bombs and some unit choppers really doesnt strengthen the gameplay as it rots, slowly boring you into rapidly clicking the unit buttons, not really taking much notice of what is going on. Plus, this game also seems to be hampered by its ease. You get your money back for each unit when they get to the other side of the screen, which doesnt really give the game any strategic sort of edge. If you maybe didnt get the money back, you would have to decide how many to send out, and what types, maybe making it slightly better, but the fact I completed the first difficulty from just mashing the helicopter and tank buttons until I won, ending up with $19,000,000+ money really is quite dumb.

A good game, hampered by its too easy gameplay, repetetive gameplay and....well.....boring gameplay.

Friday, 22 August 2008

Epic War on Kong

If you've been looking for an excellent time waster, look no further, Epic War is a game that will enrapture you with it's fantastic gameplay and beautiful graphics. It may also remind you of Bowmaster Prelude.

The game starts out deceptively simple, you have a giant crossbow, and the ability to create hobbits to send at the enemy base. The enemy can create soldiers as well but cannot shish-kabob your units with giant arrows . Though the game starts out relatively slow for the first few levels it rapidly speeds up with the option to upgrade your crossbow with new arrows and train new units (such as elves, wizards and angels). Be wary though, the enemy can also upgrade its units and send out tank-like trolls and golems, even dragons

The great thing about this game is amount of upgrades you can buy for EXP, which is gained in-game by killing enemy units). You can upgrade arrows, max mana/regeneration/units and more. My only pet peeve in this game is that you can play battles multiple times, destroying weak opponents, and getting tons of EXP. This pretty much allows you to buy any upgrade you want, depending on how much time you want to spend replaying levels. To me this make the game a little easy, but of course, replaying levels is optional. This is the only the thing that puts a slight damper on an otherwise fantastic game.

This game does lose some points in lasting appeal though because you can only do the same thing over and over again for a few hours.

On to the ratings:


Final Remarks: Beautiful graphics and great gameplay don't make up for it being the same thing over and over again, but it'll hold your focus for the better part of a day.

Wednesday, 20 August 2008

Achilles on Kongregate

Graphics 4/5 Great graphics with multiple types of different soldiers although there is an occasional lag where if you throw a spear it will kill the person but on a delay and there will be no spear visible

Challenge to finish 5/5 it is a fairly easy game to finish until the final Super Boss who is two times your size and cannot be stunned.

Achilles has two modes Normal, and Survival,

Normal- 5 levels with 3 sub levels 
Sub level 1= introduction to new soldier type
Sub level 2= endurance with new soldier type
Sub level 3= few soldiers with boss for entire level
As well you have 5 lives and after that you can continue from any major level

Stronger and Stronger soldiers come at you until your 5 lives are lost

All in all i would give this game a 4/5 very fun although the lags can be VERY upsetting

Tuesday, 19 August 2008

Still Looking for Reviewers

Welcome Invinciproduct to our review team, but we are still looking for more reviewers.

Check the very bottom of this page!

Review #2 - The Orange Dot

Game Title: The Orange Dot

Publisher: invinciproduct

Type: More

This game really is an enigma to me. Its simple graphics, despite not being brilliantly drawn, are ok and not bad. The weird thing is, the basic formula works. Its interesting bouncing walls, well done control scheme and simplicity to the core make it a very odd favourite of mine. The creator himself acknowledges it is not the best artistical game ever, but the one thing that makes all games good, is addiction. I was addicted to this game quite a bit, I ended up playing for just under 20 minutes, which is much longer than required to actually finish the game. You may say "Oh, youre sponsoring the game on your site so your review is biased". It is not, the only reason ive affiliated with the developer is I really like the basic formula of the game, so im helping out with artwork and the logo is already done. Some bugs need to be addressed, going to fast can sometimes not collect the coins, keys and even go through walls occasionaly. But the raw code is there, which is the main thing. The sound effect.....well, not unbelievabley good, but helps make the game work better.

Gameplay : 4/5
It allures me with its simple physic-bouncy based code.
Graphics : 1/5
Nothing good, but its there because it needs to be.
Music : 1/5
Unfortunately, I didnt hear no music unless im going deaf.
Lasting Appeal: 4/5
Pretty addicting and interesting.
Bug Score : 3/5
You can play the game through with no bugs, but then again you can.

A really promising game, hampered by the lack of music, presence of bugs and inadequate graphics. But a brilliant first-game for InvinciProducts.

Sunday, 17 August 2008

Different Rating System Decided.....

The new rating system has been decided. I have decided to sort of stay with the current setup as it is far easier and less annoying to do.

But it will be formatted like so, with a different sort of system.

F: 0.1-0.9
E: 1.0-1.9
D: 2.0-2.9
C: 3.0-3.9
B: 4.0-4.4
A: 4.5-4.9
A+: 5.0
If I can figure out an "easier" way of doing the image thing, I will use that in the same way.

Still Looking For Daily Reviewers

We are still on the hunt of daily reviewers who have maybe half an hour free to just write a review about one of the latest game to have been given badges/lots of discussion or just a game that you have found that people may like!

Just send all appliation forms (Look Below In Red Box) to or leave me a whisper on Kong.


PS. My Kong name is DPbrad :)

New Layout, Banner and Rating Format.

As you can see, the layout has been changed from that mind-erasing green to the same colour as the Kong website, plus the banner has been changed too. Also to be possibly changed is the way we do the final scoring for reviews.

Before we just did

Gameplay : 3/5


But I have created an image that will be inserted, then all we do is place the scores next to it. Simple.

Tell me what you think.
Comment on this post!

Saturday, 16 August 2008

Quick Review #1 - The Last Canopy

Game Name : The Last Canopy
Publisher : ahbonk
Type : Shooter

A simple concept, you control a butterfly type creature which shoots down enemies, capable of copying the enemies shots using your following tail with little balls on. Sounds weird, right?

From a personal point of view, I really dont like The Last Canopy. It seems a bit OTT for what it is, and the story is just odd. The game is fairly easy, I managed to get the first 2 badges and the BT Challenge within 10 minutes. The graphics are well drawn out, and everything seems greatly professional. The music is also well done with some really neat effects and music. But the gameplay itself really seems quite boring after a while, however some people absolutely adorn this type of gameplay, which has seen quite a mixed reaction.

So, for this game, I give it the following score.

Gameplay : 3/5 , again, not my potato, but still interesting and well done.
Graphics : 5/5 , some top notch drawing and animation in store here.
Sound : 4/5 , simple, easy and non-annoying, but greatly effective.
Lasting Appeal : 3/5 , I was unsure on this one, I didnt think it was bad enough to be given a 2, but not really good enough to be given a 3. However, I did give it a 3 as I did go back and play again. Not really much difference or variation to make you play it much more however.
Bug Report : 4/5, playing for around 25 minutes and I only had one or two times where the game would occasionaly freeze or my bullets would glitch slightly, but nothing major.

(Quick Reviews are generally quick, unformated reviews done away from the computer. This review was actually done on a notepad document as my internet went down halfway through writing the review on the blogspot page! Sorry!)

Friday, 15 August 2008

Review #1 - Brute Wars

Game Title: Brute Wars

Publisher: distractionbeast

Type: Strategy & Defense

Brute Wars is a nice little game with a combat system with long range, short range, random and spread attacks. This makes for a very fun combat system you may say. Sadly, that is not completely true.

The core gameplay of Brute Wars is well set out, clean and rather easy to understand. A simple and somewhat odd stats system includes a health gauge, attack, accuracy and counter system which individually make up the slightly lacking "strategic" part of the game. The leveling system feels very flawed, as level up's occur slightly randomly, with no XP progression or meter, but this isnt its major problem. From what parts of the game I played, the level system never seemed to matter, I could be using a level one dragon versus a level 35 dragon and couldnt notice the difference. If anyone can tell me what its used for, feel free. The actual gameplay starts off feeling fresh and new, but quickly rots away to just another "turn based fighting game". The graphics of Brute Wars are fairly good. The individual images of characters, plus the animation aspects are fairly good. The menu's are clean and easy to navigate, plus the map is well drawn out. The sound is also ok, nothing OTT or annoying, which can really lower a games score. Overall lasting appeal of the game is fairly low, from starting the game to getting bored and turning it off, I played a total of 19 minutes. However, I must say that the game is well thought out and very bug-free, but simply is just too boring to play.

Edit: I have recieved a few comments saying their game freezes during gameplay. Due to this, I will change the bug score down to 3, as lots of people seem to be having this problem. SAVE OFTEN!

Gameplay : 3/5
Graphics : 4/5
Music : 4/5
Lasting Appeal: 2/5
Bug Score : 3/5
Bad : 0-2
Average : 2-3
Good : 3-4
Brilliant : 4-5

Welcome to KongReview

KongReview is pleased to finally start, and we are looking forward to the coming days, weeks and months of Reviewing Kongregate games as they come. Please tell all your friends, Kong friends and people in chat about our website, as we hopefully want to extend out to most of Kongregate's members.

We are looking for Reviewers so if youre interested, please read the seperate Review Applications post for details. Thank You!


KongReview Applications

KongReview is looking for 3-4 daily reviewers who have maybe an hour free every day or 2 to write a review and fill out our unique rating system for new games that are popular.

If youre interested, contact or DPbrad (Changing name soon, so may change, if so, it will be LiquidHelium)

Fill out the following form:

Name: (Kong or real)
Age: (Optional, but id rather know how old you are)
Any Journalism Experience?:
Other Info:
Why You Want To Be A Reviewer?:
Hours Free On Average Every Day:
Hours On Kong Average Every Day:

This is purely for enjoyment and satisfaction, no money or anything like that is involved in the whole setup of this site.